Very Vivacious Vanna Venom

The very fabulous scene queen from London Vanna Venom with her pink fringe and black hair, very nice!

Another Vanna Venom picture and this time looking a bit more Gothic with her Frankenstein friend and huge red flower and black hair.

The above image reminds me of Elvira.
have a look:

Well mainly the hair, but I do believe these scene queens borrow much from the old horror movie TV host.

Here is Vanna Venom once more looking gorgeous with her thick black and pink hair. I love the curl in the fringe.

Now Vanna Venom has changed her bangs to blue. Good move I think the color suits her skin tone very well.

This hair is just awesome!

Vanna Venom looking quite bling, got the emo fringe but more of an r n'b attitude.