Katie Babyface and her Platinum Blonde Tresses

Katie Babyface has named herself such due to her obvious babyfaced look and baby blue eyes.

This scene girl is not as full on and stylised as her scene queen counterparts like say Dani Gore, Brookelle Bones and especially Vanna Venom.

But she has terrific hair, sooooo platinum blonde, so pretty!!

Katie Babyface does the Platinum Blonde look with black underneath like no one else! It's her signature style!!

A very cute Katie Babyface

Very Vivacious Vanna Venom

The very fabulous scene queen from London Vanna Venom with her pink fringe and black hair, very nice!

Another Vanna Venom picture and this time looking a bit more Gothic with her Frankenstein friend and huge red flower and black hair.

The above image reminds me of Elvira.
have a look:

Well mainly the hair, but I do believe these scene queens borrow much from the old horror movie TV host.

Here is Vanna Venom once more looking gorgeous with her thick black and pink hair. I love the curl in the fringe.

Now Vanna Venom has changed her bangs to blue. Good move I think the color suits her skin tone very well.

This hair is just awesome!

Vanna Venom looking quite bling, got the emo fringe but more of an r n'b attitude.

Ranga Emo

Red emo hair on girls is super cute, especially when you have an awesome haircut like this emo girl has.

She is so very very pretty!

Random Emo Poems

This is ME

Eyes blue, green, gray, yellow as the passing time.
A fringe always properly dressed, hair mid - length brown wavy pink & basic but always smooth, hands, nails can often be painted, almost unborn in a laundromat in Saint Denis in full May, crying and laughing at nothing, lazy, moody, messy organized, artichoke heart, at first shy,an actress, likes the style boho, kitsch, retro, but more scene queen, love and love no less many people & places.

She spent most of her days in public transport, she was often mistaken for an emo, a Gothic or fashion hound. Dreams, hopes, full of envy the head, a good general, open-minded, in search of ever more motivated by what interests only, no life-especially late at night, stressed out by life, the people and the environment in which she resides.

She often talks when she's bored, buys all the celebrity magazines during the summer, read the rest of the year books imposed on by serious parents.

She loves concerts & promotion of any kind, but begins to be weary of the latter! fanatic shopping girl, consuming any kind, would like to live in the countryside not too far from Paris, nostalgic, full of regrets and doubts, is often lost in thought, little confidence in her. Give anything to start over, change of life, be happy.

Purple Emo Hair

Here is a lovely emo girl, we know she is emo cause her hair is emo and her makeup is emo (although it is all kinda scene too).

But her pledge to emo is written above her chest, very tasteful!
I do however love her hair in platinum blonde, black and purple....so CUTE!!