Hair Like.... Dakota?

Hair like Dakota Rose?

This look has been attempted by many but I don't think Koti pulls it off to well, she looks much better with short blonde hair:

Amor Hilton Send Me Some Love

Ok, now we are moving towards some more obscure type scene queens but nontheless with very hotttttttttttt hair. Here is Amor Hilton!

Emo School Girls

Here are two very cool, very rad and very cute emo girls

This emo girl is super rad!

Pucca Queen

Pucca Queen hails from the great city of Mejico y es una muchahca muy linda!

Not many images around of her on the web anymore.

But the emo girl has great hair!

Emo Girls Hair

Check it!

Love love love it!

So Hot <3333 platinum blonde and yellow emo girls hair - not something you see everyday but so very very pretty.